Week 21 - Holy S***, It's April Already!

Thursday, April 15, 2010
The days and weeks are flying by at a blinding pace... If only I could run 26.2 miles so fast. By now it’s too late to really make any measurable endurance gains before the April 25th race-day. Last week I was driving all over Northern CA again, but did manage to get some cardio work in.

Friday was my big workout: 1 hr 10 min of running, an hour on the elliptical hill trainer, and another 40 minutes on a stationary bike. I pressed the throttle down pretty hard to make sure my heart rate stayed at or above 160 BPM (my planned BSIM HR). To my surprise, I didn’t hit any kind of a wall, and actually wanted to keep going during the final running session. The powerbar goo packs that sucked down every 45 minutes must have really done the trick. I had so much energy left over that the missus and I headed straight to the MIIS follies talent show afterwards.

This next week will be full of pampering, preparing, sleepless nights, and some short bouts of physical activity. I’ve already begun to wake up earlier each morning so that the 3:30 AM wake-up call for the marathon won’t be too big of a shock. Oh yeah, and I ordered a shorter pair of shorts (5” inseam instead of 6”) for the big day. If my calculations are correct, a 15% decrease in shorts length should translate to a 15% reduction in my finish time.

-Apr 5: Sparticus circuit, 20 min on treadmill, and 30 min on bike.

-Apr 6: Sparticus circuit, and 30 minutes on bike at hotel in McKinleyville.

-Apr 7: Poked around Willow Creek and didn’t get much of any workout in.

-Apr 8: 1 hour yoga.

-Apr 9: 3.0 hr cardio circuit at gym. Two 20 min treadmill sessions, a 30 min treadmill session, two 20 min bike sessions, and three 20 min elliptical sessions. Still sweatiest and stinkiest guy at gym.


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